Published 05/03/2019

Respiratory viruses are responsible for a variety of wide ranging respiratory infections. Severity of these infections can be especially high in the young and elderly.

Adenovirus most commonly cause respiratory illnesses. Human Metapneumovirus is a common respiratory pathogen particularly associated with infants and the young as both upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Rhinoviruses are caustic pathogens in more than half of the viral respiratory infections.

The ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ AdV/hMPV/hRV control is a full process control, multiplexed, molecular qualitative quality control that is designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence of these organisms. The routine and repetitive use of ZeptoMetrix NATtrol™ External Run Controls and Verification Panels enables laboratories to monitor daily test variation, lot-to-lot test kit performance, individual operator performance and provides assistance identifying trends in laboratory results.

Dedicated to providing the molecular diagnostic market with the most current, reliable and precise non-infectious QC materials, ZeptoMetrix has utilized its patented NATtrol inactivation treatment to provide the following Parainfluenza Control for molecular quality control:




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