Analytical Reference Material
Organic, Inorganic, Microbiology & PT Reference Materials
Explore the broadest selection of analytical reference materials and proficiency testing (PT) from the leading brands in certified and analytical reference materials: Spex, NSI, HPS, and Chiron. Our harmonized product development and custom capabilities are tailored to bring you innovative products to help meet your unique application needs.
We offer the broadest selection of analytical standards and proficiency testing for cannabis and hemp so you can ensure accuracy in your cannabis analysis.
Certified for environmental methods (e.g. EPA, Standard Methods, AOAC, ASTM, etc). COA includes certified values for a variety of analytical techniques. Accurate and robust chemical and microbiological certified reference materials.
Our standards assist agricultural and food safety laboratories around the world monitor and assess the state of global food and agriculture.
Our comprehensive experience in creating quality pharmaceutical standards will help you to comply with the guidelines set by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH).
New regulations are constantly being enacted to protect consumers from a variety of potentially dangerous materials, compounds, and elements. Spex® and Chiron have continued to lead the reference materials field by creating a line of plastic and plastic additive standards crafted with an eye on new testing regulations.
These standards can be used with industrial hygiene methods including: NIOSH-7300 Series Methods, ASTM Standard D7035, ISO Standard 15202-1 and 15202-2, and CEN (EN) Standard 13890. All products are ISO 17034 certified reference materials.