Diagnostic Webinars
Mobilizing Molecular Diagnostics for the Next Pandemic
As public health officials contemplate the next potential infectious disease pathogen — caused by a hypothetical, unknown 'Disease X' as adopted by the World Health Organization — stakeholders must consider lessons learned from COVID-19 and look to future molecular testing technologies and strategies to ensure that the world is ready. In particular, special attention must be paid to lower-resource areas of the world to ensure that molecular testing is expedient and equitable in the next pandemic.
Molecular Third-Party Controls: Key Tools for Diagnostic Labs in Increasing Regulatory Landscape
Molecular diagnostics has rapidly emerged as a leading global technology for infectious disease testing. Consequently, clinicians depend on the results from these tests for accurate patient diagnosis. The field continues to expand and adapt to the growing needs of infectious disease testing, yet the critical importance of rigorous quality management practices in laboratories, including quality control, remains unchanged to ensure reliable results. With increasing laboratory regulations, providing guidelines for laboratory quality practices, implementing a quality management system can be complex. This webinar clarifies the key considerations for establishing a quality system in laboratories performing molecular diagnostic assays, with a focus on quality controls.
How the FDA’s Rule on Laboratory-Developed Tests Could Impact the In Vitro Diagnostics Industry
The US Food and Drug Administration’s recently issued final rule on laboratory-developed tests, or LDTs, marks a major change in the clinical testing landscape as it formally brings these tests under the agency’s oversight. Much discussion of the FDA rule has focused on the challenges and disruptions it could bring to clinical labs, but the rule and its requirements are likely to affect in vitro diagnostic companies as well, potentially altering their relationships with their lab customers and creating new competitive dynamics.
Best Practices for Maintaining Quality in Molecular Diagnostic Testing
Molecular diagnostics has quickly become one of the leading global technologies for infectious disease testing. As such, clinicians and physicians rely on the results generated from these tests for accurate patient diagnoses. The field is constantly growing and evolving to meet the demands of infectious disease testing, but what remains constant is the importance for laboratories to maintain rigorous quality management practices, including quality control, to help ensure reliable test results.
What’s next after COVID-19?
Since the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many clinical laboratories acquired new molecular diagnostic platforms to reduce send out costs and expedite test results. While COVID-19 testing is still a priority, many laboratories are faced with the question: what next? How can we get the most out of our new platforms while juggling supply chain issues and limited staffing?
Reduce Errors and Increase Confidence in Testing with Quality Controls
This webinar will help you to better understand QC for infectious disease testing. We will discuss the basic principles and practices of using QC materials in laboratories. From there, we will explore the types of molecular tests you might be using and delve into the benefits of using third-party quality controls. You will also get a glimpse into ZeptoMetrix NATtrol™ molecular quality control development and how the company is leading efforts on QC for SARS-CoV-2 testing.