Compatible with 3M plates Easy to use Available exclusively from NSI Lab Solutions, this multiple organism blended CRM is designed for use with Petrifilm; , other re-hydratable film methods or BAM methods. CRM is quantitatively certified for APC, Total coliforms, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, S. aureus, Mold and Yeast within the method countable ranges after hydration. Stores at -10C to -20C. Supplied as a package of 10 or 20 individual sample pellets.
Intended Use
Use these microbiological reference materials for quality control of food and agriculture samples. Each dehydrated pellet packaged in a vacuum-sealed glass vial contains multiple microorganisms that can be tested at once. The culture pellet lyophilized in Microgel-Flash™ matrix dissolves almost instantly with minimum agitation and no incubation. These CRMs are designed for use with Petrifilm™ plate, FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) methods, or other re-hydratable film methods. Store in the freezer.
Download Certificate of Analysis at nsilabsolutions.com/coa-downloads/.
More Information
Compatible with 3M™ Petrifilm™ plate|Hydration fluid dissolves culture pellet in less than a minute|No more than 2 passages from primary culture|ISO 17034 accredited|No royalty fee
Product Information
- BrandNSI
- Unit of MeasurePK
- Storage Condition-10°C to -20°C
- Product TypeMicrobiology Standards