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SKU: SPIKE-1-500


ICP Spike Sample 1 in 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF, 500 mL

Intended Use

Our Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) standards allow you to Calibrate with Confidence®. The standards are to be used in conjunction with the Statement of Work for Inorganic Analysis; Multi-Media/Multi-Concentration Document Number ILM 05.3/ISM 01.2. The final ICP check, performed in our own laboratories, is your stamp of assurance. We calibrate our instruments with traceable reference materials and show you the actual found value of the solution you receive, not just an ideal, calculated number as so many other standards manufacturers do. The combination of elements, concentrations and matrices listed have been diagnosed by Spex CertiPrep® for convenience of use and stability. US EPA SOW ILM 05.3/ISM 01.2 gives specific procedures for the methods of analysis, target elements, and concentration levels. Standards are specified not only by the elements present and their relative concentrations, but also the order and frequency of running standards, blanks and samples. Details of these specifications may be found in the US EPA SOW ILM 05.3/ISM 01.2 in the following sections: • Exhibit C, Inorganic Target Analyte List (TAL) • Exhibit D, Analytical Methods • Exhibit E, QA/QC Requirements CLP ILM 02.0 Standards for ICP ICP Spike Sample 1 standard provides all of the analytes required for the ICP-AES and the AA spike. Add 1 mL of ICP Spike Sample 1 Standard to aqueous samples and 2 mL to solid samples prior to digestion. Chemiclas are not intended for and should not be (i) used for medical, surgical or other patient oriented applications, or (ii) combined with any food product or ingested in any form. Can’t find the standards you are looking for? Spex CertiPrep®can make custom standards to meet your exact needs. Contact us for more information.

More Information

Provides all of the analytes required for the ICP-AES and the AA spike|Use in conjunction with the statement of work|Shows actual value of the solution, not a calculated number|Manufactured under ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 17034 compliance

Product Information

  • BrandSpex
  • Volume500 mL
  • Unit of MeasureEA
  • Storage Condition15 to 30°C
  • Product TypeInorganic Standard
  • Raw MaterialFive 9s & Purification as available
  • CertificationSingle: Direct ICP Analysis


  • CCL

    International Customers only. This product is controlled through the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS); a license authorizing export from the U.S. is required prior to shipment


  • warning
    This item has been deemed hazardous Additional shipping fees and permits may apply.

Component Table

Aluminum 200 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Arsenic 200 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Barium 200 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Selenium 200 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Thallium 200 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Iron 100 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Antimony 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Cobalt 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Lead 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Manganese 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Nickel 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Vanadium 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Zinc 50 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Copper 25 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Chromium 20 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Beryllium 5 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Cadmium 5 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
Silver 5 µg/mL 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
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